Laser Painting Program



Paintings by our artists have been donated to a wide range of impactful individuals and organizations, including:

  • NYC Council Members through Marquis Studios/NYC VSA in 2017, 2018 & 2019

  • Heidi Latsky Dance Company fundraising auction in 2018

  • ArtWorks, The Naomi Cohain Foundation auctions in 2016, 2017 & 2018

  • A Miami art gala supporting disability in sailing and art through The Impossible Dream, a wheelchair accessible catamaran 2016 


Here is a sampling of Marquis Studios/VSA NYC Awards and laser paintings donated to various NYC dignitaries in 2016, 2017 and 2018:




Paintings have been given to those making a difference in the lives of our artists and communities such as:

  • Laser painters’ friends, Doctors and Principals, GallopNYC Riding Academy

  • Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith, founder of VSA, The International Organization on Arts and Disability

  • Victor Calise, Commissioner of the New York City Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities




NYC D75 Schools 721M, 79M, 721K


The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Unspace Dumbo, Il Cafe Latte, Artworks Express Yourself Events & Positive Exposure109


Marquis Studios Calendar Art Exhibition @ The Pratt Gallery & The Studio Museum in Harlem


NYC Disabilities Pride Booth




With the painters permissions some work has been sold while on display and hang in a precinct, offices & homes around NY and London.